Symposium zu Abnormalitäten an Bäumen, ist EMF eine Ursache?

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Die letzten Beiträge des Themas

Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: Symposium zu Abnormalitäten an Bäumen, ist EMF eine Ursache?

Spectral reflectance properties of healthy & stressed tr

von Handymania » 21. April 2013 09:52

Exkurs: Wie allg. Stresssymptome an Bäumen wissenschaftl. nachgewiesen werden können.
Ein Beispiel:

Spectral reflectance properties of healthy and stressed coniferous trees

Collection: IUFRO 7.01.00 - COST Action FP0903, Kaunas (Lithuania - 2012)
“Biological Reactions of Forest to Climate Change and Air Pollution”
Guest Editors: Elena Paoletti, Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Algirdas Augustaitis

Hyperspectral imaging is expected to prove very useful in the remote identification of forest tree species as well as in the evaluation of forest health.
Hyperspectral imaging techniques can identify the optical properties of forest decline and serve to explore the relationship between optical and spectral data to assist in the identification of properties related to the
health assessment of a tree (Vogelmann & Rock 1988, Treitz & Howarth 1999). While foliar chlorophyll (as well as carotenoids) concentrations typically decrease when plant stress level increases, additional constituents accumulate within the leaves.
Such changes affect leaf spectral properties and provide the possibility of remotely diagnosing a plant’s stress level (Rock et al. 1986, Martin & Aber 1997, Datt 1998, Zarco-Tejada et al. 2004, Malenovský et al. 2006).
The reflected radiation of the visible and near infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum has proven to be the most important in detecting plant stress (Gitelson et al. 2003).
Changes in leaf chlorophyll and water content significantly affect leaf reflectance. Chlorophyll is the most important factor, which affects leaf reflectance in the visible and near-infrared spectra (Carter 1993).

Effects of electromagnetic field & oil palms

von Handymania » 17. April 2013 07:08

Effects of electromagnetic field on the nitrogen, protein and chlorophyll
content and peroxidase enzyme activity in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis
Jacq.) leave

Emir. J. Food Agric. 2013. 25 (6): 471-482
doi: 10.9755/ejfa.v25i6.15583

Maziah Mahmood, Ooi Bee Bee, Mahmud Tengku Muda Mohamed and Sreeramanan Subramaniam

The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from 275 kV high voltage transmission line on physiological, biochemical and antioxidant system changes in oil palm leaves were investigated under field conditions. Oil palm leaves were exposed to EMF from power lines at distances of 0, 8.8, 17.6, 26.4, 35.2, 44, 52.8 and 61.6 m away from the transmission lines for six months and seven years. The results showed that EMF exposure increased the content of chlorophyll a, b and the total chlorophyll in oil palm leaves planted nearer to the power lines (at 8.8 m) and decreased it with increasing distance from the lines. The protein banding profile of the oil palm exposed to electromagnetic field of different strength for seven years were insignificantly different. Oil palm exposed to the EMF for six months had three different protein banding patterns, which were different in the banding intensities of certain protein bands. The peroxidase enzyme activity (POX) of oil palm directly below the 275 kV power line was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher. However, decreasing EMF strength signifying that exposure on oil palm for duration of both seven years and six months resulted in a stress related response.
The POX activity bands from the oil palm exposed to EMF for both seven years and six months respectively showed that more banding intensity and number of bands were found in those planted nearer to the power lines with higher electromagnetic strength exposure. ... 15583/8516

Das BfS und die Baumschäden

von Pirat » 13. April 2013 09:51

  • Gast hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Das BfS und die Baumschäden Antworten mit Zitat
Die Untätigkeit des amtlichen Strahlenschutzes verstößt gegen das Vorsorgeprinzip

Es häufen sich nicht nur die besorgniserregenden Indizien für Baumschäden durch Mobilfunksender, sondern zugleich auch solche für eine systematische Untätigkeit der Strahlenschutz- und Umweltbehörden. Aktive wissenschaftliche Vorortuntersuchungen von Verdachtsfällen, die den Behörden durch Mitteilungen von Bürgern bekannt werden, unterbleiben seit Jahren. Und dies trotz des durch die verantwortlichen Stellen selbst mehrfach festgestellten Forschungsdefizits in diesem Bereich.

Welchen Abwehrmustern von Regierungsstellen sich Bürger gegenübersehen, die sich aus Vor- und Fürsorge mit Hinweisen und Dokumentationen um die Klärung und Anerkennung neuartiger Schadbilder an Bäumen durch den amtlichen Strahlenschutz bemühen, wird von Diplom-Forstwirt Helmut Breunig in einer Analyse im unabhängigen Fachinformationsdienst „Strahlentelex mit Elektrosmogreport“ vom 4. April 2013 offengelegt:

„Vorsorge und Bürgerbeteiligung – Das BfS und die Baumschäden“ , .

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Die fundierte Dokumentation von Dipl.-Forstwirt Helmut Breunig beschreibt die restriktive Handlungsweise des BfS bezüglich einer realen Überprüfung möglicher Baumschäden. Einerseits beklagt man dort selbst die unzulänglichen vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen bezüglich möglicher Schädigung von Flora und Fauna, andererseits wird bei den bekannten Waldzustandsberichten der Einfluss von EMF total ausgeblendet. Obwohl entsprechende vielfältige schädigende Berichte dem BfS vorliegen, „genügt dem BfS eine Literatursichtung (Zeitraum 1988-2011), in denen keine der dortigen Studie eine mögliche Beeinträchtigung von Bäumen durch Mobilfunksendeanlagen zum unmittelbaren Gegenstand hat, so lt. Herrn Breunig.

Breunig: „Sämtliche der in den 5 angeführten Studien zu Bäumen untersuchten technischen Parameter der Abstrahlung unterscheiden sich von Emissionen durch Mobilfunksender. Insgesamt kommt das BfS zu dem Schluss, dass „elektromagnetische Felder“ kein offensichtliches Schädigungsrisiko für Waldbäume darstellen, sofern Bedingungen wie in den angeführten Studien gegeben seien. Als Ansatz für eine solide hypothetische Modellierung der strahlungsökologischen Verhältnisse bei Bäumen um Mobilfunksender sind die vom BfS referierten Ergebnisse ungeeignet. Denn die Art der Emissionen generiert in Wechselwirkung mit den ökologischen Gegebenheiten die realen Expositionscharakteristika an den Untersuchungsobjekten.“

Konkret heißt das:

Die bisherigen Studiendesigns sind bzw. waren so angelegt, dass Schadwirkungen nicht herauskommen konnten.

Auch auf Schadbilder bei Bäumen reagiert das BfS mit gewohnter Gelassenheit:

Mögliche Zusammenhänge sollen nur dann überprüft werden, „wenn sich solche Beobachtungen auffällig häufen und keine andere plausible Erklärung vorliegt.“

Zwar habe die Wissenschaft bei Pflanzen noch nicht abschließend geklärt, „ob bestimmte Intensitäten und Frequenzen elektromagnetischer Felder das Wachstum von Pflanzen hemmen oder fördern können.“
Solche Aussagen des BfS lassen vermuten, dass man bewusst derzeit an keiner realen Klärung interessiert ist, bzw. eine solche solange es eben geht, verzögert.

Die Dokumentation von Herrn Breunig ist eine Analyse der gesteuerten Untätigkeit durch das BfS.

So lange „sogenannte Wissenschaftler“ dem Diktat der Industrie, mit gefälligen Gutachten, Aussagen und Studien folgen, wird eine Desinformation betrieben und die politische Meinung beeinflusst.


Baumschäden: M.E. angeordnete Untätigkeit

von Eva Weber » 10. April 2013 21:36

Aufgrund der von mir seit Jahren beobachteten Baumschäden in meinem Garten und anderswo, bemühte ich mich diverse Male Fachleute dazu zu bewegen, sich das anzusehen.

Einer wünschte mir schriftlich viel Erfolg bei meinem Kampf gegen Windmühlen.

Einer, der sehr interessiert war, telefonierte mir eine Viertelstunde vor dem Termin ab und begründete dies damit, dass sein Chef damit nicht einverstanden sei.

Dann bemühte ich mich um einen hochrangigen Spezialisten, der endlich zusagte, weil ich nicht nachließ, ihn immer wieder zu bitten doch vorbei zu kommen. Er kam und sagte mir gleich, nicht sehr erfreut, dass er eigentlich gar keine Zeit habe und gleich wieder weiter müsse. Er sah sich dann doch meine Bäume an und es schien ihn immer mehr zu interessieren, sodass er noch in eine weitere Straße mit mir ging und dann in anderer Richtung noch Fichtenstämme ansah, mit ganz eigenartigen Warzen am Stamm. Es schien ihn dann so zu interessieren, dass er mir seine E-Mail-Adresse gab, damit ich ihm etwas schicken könne. Dies tat ich und hörte nie mehr etwas von ihm.

Bei einem Vortrag über Pflanzen sprach ein Fachmann, dem ich auch Baumfotos zeigte. Er sagte mir, dass man das Problem kenne, dagegen aber nichts machen könne.

Für mich hat es den Anschein, als wäre einfach der Deckel drauf und niemand darf sich darauf einlassen hinzuschauen. Das ist in meinen Augen so, weil man Bäume nicht für "fixiert" erklären kann und sie biologische Auswirkungen unter den Grenzwerten aufzeigen.

Eva Weber

Das BfS und die Baumschäden

von Gast » 10. April 2013 09:48

Die Untätigkeit des amtlichen Strahlenschutzes verstößt gegen das Vorsorgeprinzip

Es häufen sich nicht nur die besorgniserregenden Indizien für Baumschäden durch Mobilfunksender, sondern zugleich auch solche für eine systematische Untätigkeit der Strahlenschutz- und Umweltbehörden. Aktive wissenschaftliche Vorortuntersuchungen von Verdachtsfällen, die den Behörden durch Mitteilungen von Bürgern bekannt werden, unterbleiben seit Jahren. Und dies trotz des durch die verantwortlichen Stellen selbst mehrfach festgestellten Forschungsdefizits in diesem Bereich.

Welchen Abwehrmustern von Regierungsstellen sich Bürger gegenübersehen, die sich aus Vor- und Fürsorge mit Hinweisen und Dokumentationen um die Klärung und Anerkennung neuartiger Schadbilder an Bäumen durch den amtlichen Strahlenschutz bemühen, wird von Diplom-Forstwirt Helmut Breunig in einer Analyse im unabhängigen Fachinformationsdienst „Strahlentelex mit Elektrosmogreport“ vom 4. April 2013 offengelegt:

„Vorsorge und Bürgerbeteiligung – Das BfS und die Baumschäden“ , .

Forum Admin: Bitte unter Benutzername Name oder Nickname angeben.

von Handymania » 1. April 2013 20:00

Australian Journal of Crop Science
Volume 7 Issue 1 (Jan 2013)
Magnetic field pre-sowing treatment as an organic friendly technique to promote plant growth and chemical elements accumulation in early stages of cotton
Bilalis, Dimitrios J; Katsenios, Nikolaos; Efthimiadou, Aspasia; Karkanis, Anestis; Khah, Ebrahim M; Mitsis, Tertyllianos

The enhancement of plant growth using an environmental friendly technique is an absolutely desirable step for modern agriculture. This study reports the positive effect of pulsed electromagnetic field in early growth characteristics of cotton plants, as well as the percentage content of some important chemical elements.
.... ... res=IELHSS

ISO Abbrev. Title: Pol. J. Environ. Stud.
Vol. 22, No. 1 (2013), 93-98
Short-Term Exposure to Pre-Sowing Electromagnetic Radiation of Amaranth Seeds Affects Germination Energy but not Photosynthetic Pigment Content
Agata Dziwulska-Hunek, Agnieszka Sujak, Krzysztof Kornarzyński
Department of Physics, University of Life science in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Radiation of the seeds with the combination of laser light and magnetic field induced opposite response in the case of laboratory and pot tests: significant increase of the germination energy was observed for laboratory tests while a decrease of this parameter was observed for the pot test. Pre-sowing radiation treatments did not influence germination capacity, which indicated that only early stages of the germination process were affected. Although no statistical differences were found, the results indicate that pre-sowing radiation of the seeds with a single factor resulted in an increase in the number of plants per 1m2 in field experiment.

von Handymania » 1. April 2013 19:48

Magnetic field effects on seed germination and activities of some enzymes in cumin
Majid Asadi Samani, Latifeh Pourakbar and Nafiseh Azimi
Life Science Journal 2013;10(1)
Exposure of cumin seeds to different magnetic field intensities showed an overall stimulating effect with respect to all germination characteristics.
The mechanism of stimulating effect of MF-treatment on seed germination and seedling growth was unknown, but several theories have been proposed, including biochemical changes or altered enzyme activities.
... ... 23_328.pdf

Ultrastructure, Germination And Viability In Pollens Of Achillea Wilhelmsii C. Koch Exposed To Electromagnetic Fields
Ahmad Majd, Leila Amjad, Azadeh Ghadirianmarnani
In most cases EMF suppress the growth stages, cell division and differentiation, induce significant changes at the cellular and subcellular level, alter the Ca2+ balance, enzyme activitie and different metabolic stages.
.... ... Fields.pdf

von Handymania » 7. Februar 2013 10:46

Irgendwann ist auch bei Pflanzen durch EMF-Dauerbeschuss das Maß an antioxidativer Verteidigung erreicht.

Bsp. bezugnehmend auf Hochspannungsleitungen und Pflanzen:
After contamination with electromagnetic fields, pollen grains become abnormal, also degeneration and fragiled of exine surface.
If a plant grows in the high voltage transmission lines, its physiologic function may change such as: high frequency of chromosomal abnormality, increase in the frequency of the nonviable pollen grains, increase in the stem length, decrease the number of grains in the spike, increase in the total chlorophyll content and the total carbohydrate in the grains, decrease the amound of protein in grains.
From the present work, it is concluded that growing plants under high voltage transmission lines change their growth characteristics and also decreases plant yield. Therefore, the electromagnetic field is considered pollutant to the environmental. Hence, it is recommended to insert such
transmission lines under the ground to minimize their hazardous effects.

Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Structure and Pollen Grains Development in Chenopodium album L.
Leila Amjad, and Mahsa Shafighi, 2010.

Man weiss noch viel zu wenig über EMF-Effekte auf Pflanzen. Im Grunde ist das besorgniserregend. Bsp. für extrem-schwache Felder:
Magnetic fields affect the synthesis of DNA and RNA as well as the cellular proliferation. EMFs in both extremely low frequency (ELF) and radio frequency (RF) ranges activate the cellular stress response, a protective mechanism that induces the expression of stress response genes (Ruediger, 2009). A potential link between EMFs and its effects on living organisms is the fact that EMFs cause an oxidative stress that is, increase in the activity, concentration and lifetime of free radicals (Sen Gupta et al., 1993; Holaday and Allen, 1993; Tkalec et al., 2005). Consequently, EMFs alters gene expression, protein biosynthesis, enzyme activity, cell reproduction and cellular metabolism (Nirmala and Rao, 1996).
EMFs cytological effects include changing the mitosis control mechanisms, increase in the percentages of chromosomal aberrations such as stickiness, bridges and fragments, lagging and disorganized chromosomes
(Smith and Mays, 1984).
It is assumed that 50/60-Hz EMFs do not transfer sufficient amounts of energy to cells in order to damage DNA directly conducting to genotoxic effects (Sander et al., 1982). However, certain cellular processes altered by exposure to EMF, such as the generation of free radicals, affect the structure of DNA resulting strand breaks and other chromosomal aberrations, or leading to cytotoxic effects inducing cell death (Piacentini et al., 2001).
Genotoxic effects after EMF exposure, such as micronucleus formation (Hanafy et al., 2006), chromosomal aberration and chromatid breaks have been reported by different investigators (Ruediger, 2009; Nirmala and Rao, 1996). The bridges would lead to gene duplication at one pole and deletion at the other pole, while laggards may be distributed randomly to either pole producing monosomic or trisomic cells (Galland and Pazur, 2005). Different chromo-somal aberrations, such as laggard chromosome and micronuclei may lead to a loss of some genetic material (Hanafy et al., 2006).
All results suggested that maize plants pretreated with 3 and 10 mT for 4 h exposure time showed less growth than control plants. Cytogenetic
studies indicated that 3 mT for 4 h exposure time treatment induced the mean value of genetic recombination (P<0.05).

Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on growth, cytogenetic, protein content and antioxidant system of Zea mays L.
Azita Shabrangi, Ahmad Majd and Masoud Sheidai, 2011. ... t%20al.pdf


von Handymania » 18. Januar 2013 19:51

Endogenous Electromagnetic Fields in Plant Leaves: A New Hypothesis for Vascular Pattern Formation
Electromagnetic (EM) phenomena have long been implicated in biological development, but few detailed, practical mechanisms have been put forth to connect electromagnetism with morphogenetic processes. This work describes a new hypothesis for plant leaf veination, whereby an endogenous electric field forming as a result of a coherent Frohlich process, and corresponding to an EM resonant mode of the developing leaf structure, is capable of instigating leaf vascularisation. ... c%2015.pdf

Exkurs: Wheeled Plant Defends Itself by Rolling Away from Humans
…a signal amplifier reads the differences in the electromagnetic field around the plant to determine when it is being touched.

... ... ion-plant/

Tree Antennas 1919
General George O. Squier
It is not a joke nor a scientific curiosity, this strange discovery of Gen. George O. Squire, Chief Signal Officer, that trees --- all trees, of all kinds and all heights, growing anywhere --- are nature's own wireless towers and antenna combined.

The "right" Trees under and near power lines

von Handymania » 18. Januar 2013 19:45

Hier gibt´s Tipps für die richtige Unterpflanzung von Stromleitungen....Unglaublich!

Agro-Ecosystems under high voltage-power lines

von Handymania » 22. November 2012 17:03

Agro-Ecosystems under high voltage-power lines
T. Galjona coghill et al.
Megatrend University Of Applied Science, Belgrad.

Unter Berücksichtigung von Mikroorganismen, wobei Hochspannungsleitungen auf diese als Stressoren wirken.

Effects of electromagnetic field radiation

von Handymania » 27. Oktober 2012 13:03

Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology 2 (4), 509 - 516. 2012.

Effects of electromagnetic field radiation on inducing physiological and biochemical changes in Satureja bachtiarica L..
Fariba Ramezani Vishki, Ahmad Majd, Taher Nejadsattari and Sedighe Arbabian
1. Department of Biological Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2. Department of Biological Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North branch, Tehran, Iran

As organisms exposed to various abiotic and biotic environmental impacts, plants are able to recognize and respond to their surrounding environment with high specificity. Electromagnetic field radiation is an important effective stress factor on growth and development of plants. Our research focused on plants grown from wet pretreated seeds with low frequency electromagnetic field exposure comparing them with the control. Three replicates were used in the experiment with 30 seeds in each sample. The treatment wet seeds, were spread on the moist filter paper in Petri dishes before they were placed between parallel coils of electromagnetic radiation generator and were exposed by a magnitude of 1mT, for 2hr. Control seeds were placed between coils under similar conditions but not connected to the power. Morphological comparison of the treated and control samples showed that the percentage of seed germination and average root length of the treatment plants increased, but the difference in root length was not significant. A significant decrease in the mean shoot length, leaf area, and fresh and dry weight was observed. Also, electromagnetic radiation exposure caused significant decrease in the rate of Chlorophylla and chlorophyll b. However, carotenoid and activity of non-enzymatic antioxidant content in treatment samples significantly increased in comparison with control plants. ... babian.pdf

Buch: Electromagnetic Fields And Their Effects On Plants

von Handymania » 26. Oktober 2012 21:58

Electromagnetic Fields And Their Effects On Plants
PMC meiosis, meiotic products, pollen sterility, Leaf anatomy and morphology

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-05-09 )

The present work is the first large-scale study of the in situ effects of high-tension power transmission lines on the natural flora species. The study focused on pollen mother cell meiosis, meiotic product, pollen fertility, and leaf anatomy. The test specimens showed significantly higher percentages of meiotic abnormalities. The mean meiotic abnormalities and mean percentages of sterile pollen grains showed strong positive correlation with the increase in voltage, but not with the strength of magnetic field. The leaf anatomy showed rather inconsistent results; however in majority of test specimens, wider vessels and thicker leaves were detected, suggesting a positive effect of high-tension lines. This in situ study has revealed that the genotoxic effects associated with high-tension transmission lines are not solely due to the EMF, but other factors associated with these lines like Ozone, NO,NO2 and UV radiation may in fact be more responsible. The high rates of meiotic abnormalities and pollen sterility due to genotoxic effects of high-tension lines indicate the risks not only to plant species in the natural and semi natural ecosystems; but other organisms are also at risk.
By (author) :
Sahar Zaidi
Surayya Khatoon
Number of pages:
Published on:
Botany ... -on-plants

Cellphones ring in death knell for plants: Study

von Handymania » 26. Oktober 2012 21:52

Prashant Rupera, TNN Oct 7, 2012, 11.05PM IST

VADODARA: Even as Union government has rolled out new norms to reduce impact of cellphone radiation on people, a new study has revealed that the increasing electromagnetic wave energy (EMWE) pollution is adversely impacting even plant issues.

EMWE pollution is caused due to mobile towers, power plants, high voltage towers and diagnostic tools which use electromagnetic waves of different frequencies in radio wave spectrum.
A group of scientists of Gujarat after studying the impact of EMWE on tulsi and spinach have concluded that the electromagnetic waves leave behind harmful effect even on plants.

The scientists selected the two types of plants and raised them by providing nutrients, water and temperature under laboratory conditions. These plants were exposed by EMWE of frequency 900 Mega hertz and field strength 1.9 milli tesla for 72 hours.

The scientists carried out both physiological and biochemical analysis of these plants.

They noticed that morphological changes like decrease in growth rate in terms of height, number of branches and leaves is seen in such plants. Their leaf size gets decreased, leaves become more brittle and they fell off early.

"The biochemical tests indicated that after exposure there is a decrease in assimilatory pigments like chlorophylls and anthocyanins which shows decrease in photosynthetic rate in plants. At the same time, the carotenoid pigment content increased which resulted in the aging effect," director of Junagadh-based Noble Group of Institutions Ved Vyas Dwivedi said.

Dwivedi carried out the research along with Chandni Upadhyaya, lecturer at Anand-based P M Patel Institute of Biotechnology and Trushit Upadhyaya, assistant professor at Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) at Changa.
"At the same time, carbohydrates like starch and cellulose which are the main constituents of leaf cell wall decrease upon long term exposure. Sugar and water content also got decreased," said Dwivedi.

Shockingly, in tulsi, which is a medicinal plant, its anti-microbial activity reduced after the plant was exposed to electromagnetic waves.

Protein content of electromagnetically exposed and unexposed plants was analyzed by the scientists and comparative study indicated difference in protein profiling of the exposed plants. "Protein content of those plants which were exposed to radiation had fallen drastically compared to those plant which were grown naturally," added Dwivedi.

According to the scientists, cellular service providers and operators have specified limits by defining their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for human bodies but they have nothing specified for the plants.

"If plants and trees are not taken care of, then it would be unrealistic to think of green world in a few years," they say.

The scientists now plan to submit their work and results to Gujarat Council on Science and Technology, Gandhinagar so that a mass scale awareness campaign can be taken up.

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... romagnetic


von Handymania » 26. Oktober 2012 21:45

Pak. J. Bot., 44(5): 1733-1739, 2012.
1Department of Botany, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus, Karachi. Pakistan,
2Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan
3Department of Environmental Science, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan

To investigate the effects of electromagnetic fields of high tension wires 30 specimens of 11 species in two angiosperm families, Capparaceae and Chenopodiaceae were examined. The plants were collected under high tension wires of 132 kV, 220 kV and 500 kV within an area of about 10 meter. The same species as control specimens were also collected from areas free from electromagnetic fields. The plants were studied for PMC meiosis, meiotic products and pollen fertility. It is shown that with the increase in voltages of high tension wires, strength of magnetic field increases with increased meiotic abnormalities and pollen sterility. Significantly higher percentages of meiotic abnormalities were observed during PMC meiosis, such as stickiness, pairing disturbances, precocity, laggards, bridges and multipolar divisions etc. The differences of
these abnormalities are found to be significantly different in test plants (exposed to EMFs) as compared to their respective controls (not exposed to EMFs). The study of meiotic products showed abnormal products in some cases; similarly pollen fertility showed comparatively higher percentages of sterile pollen grains in test plants in comparison with control plants.
The pollen sterility of test plants is also significantly higher than control plants.


Aus derselben Studie zitiert (1736):
"On the basis of above results it may be concluded
that in some cases, during the meiotic process above
mentioned chromosomal aberrations ultimately result in
the formation of abnormal meiotic products (diploid
pollens and non reduced gametes), which give rise to
polyploids. These chromosomal aberrations can pass to
next generations and may result in the formation of
abnormal generations which may be sterile.
Since EMFs affects the plants, they may also affect
other living organisms found or living in the close vicinity
of these high tension lines including human beings.
Therefore a detailed investigation should be carried out,
including human beings.

Fettdruck Handymania.

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