Nocebo-Effekt: Medienberichte können krank machen


Nocebo-Effekt: Medienberichte können krank machen

Beitrag von Handymania » 16. Mai 2013 23:27


1. Siehe Thema: ... hp?id=5407

2. Who is Prof S. Wessely - the boss of G. J. Rubin?:
M. Walkers book D-irt-y Medicine: Science Big Business and the Assault on Natural Health Care was published in 1993:
This book is primarily about the first lobby group set up by the pharmaceutical companies in the UK, to defend 'evidence based medicine' and undermine all forms of complementary medicine.
Wessely was a member of this lobby group, HealthWatch.

Weiterlesen wegen Spam-Filter - s. Link ... s-not.html

Dort Link zu einer pdf: Wessely & Goldacre, Li-aison Psychiatry Faculty Conference, March 2008.pdf

B. Goldacre wurde hier im Kontext bereits erwähnt:
Lennart Hardell contra Lerchl


Beitrag von Handymania » 16. Mai 2013 23:48


3. Wesselygate

Current work
Wessely arbeitet in den renommiertesten London-Einheiten der psychiatrischen Forschung. Die GKT-Komplex umfasst auch das Institute of Psychiatry (IOP) ...
Er ist auch in der Kings College Centre for Risk Management (KCRM), die an der Erforschung der wahrgenommenen Gesundheitsrisiken von Mobiltelefonen und Masten beteiligt ist.

Die IOP erhält Fördermittel aus der Industrie (Namen s. Link).
Er ist auch Vorsitzender des Radiation, Risk and Society Advisory Group (R.RSAG), .... Das Ziel der Gruppe war es, zu überwachen und zu kommunizieren, die Arbeit der National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB).
Das R.RSAG ist auch als Apologet für die Atomindustrie kritisiert worden, und es wird angedeutet, dass die Bildungsprogramme "Propaganda" sind. Die Meinung zu dem Problem der radiologischen Sicherheit ist noch stark gespalten. ... nt_advisor

Hier wurden bereits einige Fakten diskutiert: ... topic=4931


Beitrag von Handymania » 17. Mai 2013 07:43


4. The Campaign Against Health Fraud
by Martin Walker MA

Using UK Skeptic and the CSICOP journal, both a long way from being 'peer-review' publications, health-fraud activists were able to publish unreferenced stories.

At that time, soon after the press launch, the leading Campaign activists were Dr Nick Beard; Dr Christopher Bass, a psychiatrist and committee member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; Dr Simon Wessely; Professor Michael Baum and his brother Professor Harold Baum, Professor of Biochemistry at King's College Hospital; Diana Brahams, barrister and journalist; John Walford; Mark Pownall; Dr lain Chalmers; Dr Vincent Marks and Duncan Campbell.
....It might strictly have been true, but as the majority of the early core activists had some financial connection with Wellcome, as well as other companies, or worked in projects funded by the pharmaceutical industry, the exact source of their corporate funds is relatively unimportant.

The British Health Fraud Philosophy
The modern health fraud philosophy is extensive and complex, but not really a philosophy, more a series of post hoc defensive arguments for orthodox medicine. At the heart of these assumptions is a simple equation: anything which challenges the monopoly hold of the chemical companies on food production and pharmaceuticals, the professional status of doctors, or the ruling paradigms of industrial technology should be attacked.


5. The Pseudoscience Of Professor Simon Wessely
Pesticides in our bodies
Something nasty in the woodshed
5 March 2008
Bettine Olive….
Whatever you do, if you have been harmed by pesticides, dioxins or other nasty chemicals, don't go there for a diagnosis. You might still be told that the symptoms you are suffering are solely in your mind. That you have somatized. That is, the symptoms, although real, have been caused by your mind.
According to Wessely, sheep farmers who were legally forced to dip their sheep twice a year in OPs, are ill now because of psychological problems. That the many veterans of the Gulf War, some of whom have died, who suffer from GWS because of their exposure to chemicals, including OP pesticides that were sprayed directly on them in their tents, are suffering, not from OP poisoning, but from 'hysteria' (an old term for somatization). That these veterans have really nasty symptoms merely because they heard of other Gulf War soldiers suffering similar symptoms. Also, all those citizens at Camelford who drank tap water that had been poisoned with twenty tons of a chemical cocktail - including aluminium sulphate - tipped into the supply by mistake by a worker - developed MCS, not because of chemical poisoning, but because they were suggestible and merely believed that they have MCS.

None of his opinions were, or are, backed up by any kind of scientific proof or testing; they are merely opinions based on prejudice. Now, why should a Prof. in the medical field be prejudiced? Easy. Just offer a big enough grant for scientific research, and you will get the answers you are looking for, nicely cloaked in pseudo scientific language to be publicised so loudly that the good, independent scientists are not heard.

If you read the book .... written by Martin J. Walker and published by Slingshot publications in 2003, you will see that the above is true, together with indisputable facts to prove it.
…. ... 4#newspost


Medizinischer Sadismus

Beitrag von Gast » 18. Mai 2013 10:35

Professor Wessely aus einer weiteren Sicht:
Studies in MEdical Sadism - 7: Professor Simon Wessely's many mental issues


Beitrag von Handymania » 19. Mai 2013 00:11

Erheben Sie sich, Sir Simon
von Margaret Williams vom 29. Dezember 2012
Ist es nicht merkwürdig – oder gar bestürzend –, dass solche Ehren einem Psychiater zuteil werden, dessen Überzeugungen und dessen Lehrmeinung mit den veröffentlichten Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft nicht übereinstimmen und dessen Überzeugungen auf so zwingende Weise widerlegt wurden?

2012 John Maddox Prize
Professor Simon Wessely and ..... are the two winners of the inaugural John Maddox Prize for Standing up for Science 2012 ... prize.html

About Sense About Science
Funding of Sense About Science is from industry groups or organizations heavily influenced by them. Some are obvious, such as The Wellcome Trust,...
Financial Supporters Currently Listed by Sense About Science
Sense About Science is none of what it claims. It is not independent, it is not charitable, and the term trust must surely be a joke. It is a well-funded lobbying group for some of the most environmentally destructive and health destroying industries the world has ever seen. ... s-charity/
und ist hier ein Thema mit weiteren Links zu SAS:

Übersichtstabelle zu "Healthfraud":
THE HEALTHFRAUD RACKET (HealthFraud, pseudo-Skeptics, Quackbusters)

Alle Fettdrucke von Handymania.

Hans-U. Jakob
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 10. Februar 2007 15:37

Bei Anruf Hysterie

Beitrag von Hans-U. Jakob » 19. Mai 2013 12:08

Oder angehende deutsche Wissenschaftsjournalistin hält die Schweiz zum Narren
Sie ist sehr jung, sehr hübsch und sehr frech......aber das reicht halt nicht.
Die Rede ist von Mira Fricke und dem Märchen Nocebo
Siehe unter

Hans-U. Jakob (
