Taiwan had mobile phone masts removed

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Ansicht erweitern Die letzten Beiträge des Themas: Taiwan had mobile phone masts removed

Emission of electromagnetic waves at a meteorological radar

von Handymania » 9. August 2012 09:36

Folgendes passt nun zu Taiwan.

Juni 2012
EMF controversy in Chigu, Taiwan: contested
declarations of risk and scientific knowledge have
implications for risk governance
Shu-Fen Kao
Graduate Institute of Asset Management and Urban Planning, University of Kang-Ning, Tainan, 70970, Taiwan, ROC

ABSTRACT: This article examines the controversy concerning the emission of electromagnetic waves at a meteorological radar site in Chigu, Taiwan, as an example of an emerging technological
risk. At the heart of this controversy is a lack of scientific evidence and consensus regarding potential or future effects of the radiation on human health. The Chigu meteorological radar site started operating in 2000, and medical problems have inexplicably increased in one offshore community adjacent to this radar station since 2006. The community residents have long suspected that such disproportionate medical problems are a result of their daily exposure to electromagnetic
waves from this meteorological radar site and now they are calling for this station to be dismantled.
The Central Weather Bureau has responded to local residents’ protests by claiming that no scientific evidence of such risk exists, according to the criteria set by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan and several documents published by the World Health Organization.
Environmental activists and local residents have never agreed with such responses and claims. Controversies between both camps continue to fester. Drawing from arguments presented in studies by Funtowicz and Ravetz and the literature on participatory risk governance, the present
study employs a qualitative approach, with in-depth interviews and analysis of documentary data, to investigate this case. The research delineates conflicting portrayals and framings of scientific knowledge and risk by technocrats and by civil society. The ‘post-normal science’ call for
democratizing expertise has a critical role in providing a perspective through which a contemporary complex scientific controversy may be better understood in social-political contexts in Taiwan and shed light on better risk governance.

Im "Conclusion-Teil" heisst es u.a.:
"Facing the controversy of meteorological radar and the potential negative
effects it may have on human health in this case from Chigu, public participation and transparency of the management process should be included in the risk governance policy, which is the formation of the
basic concept of local risk governance. This local risk governance is situated in a broader context of global risk governance."

Komplett (17 Seiten)
http://www.int-res.com/articles/esep201 ... 12p081.pdf

2007: NCC on target to dismantle mobile phone base stations

von handystrahlung » 8. August 2012 22:46

IZgMF Forum:

"Und deshalb wird die fünf Jahre alte (bis heute unbestätigte) Taiwan-Story aus der Giftküche von Next-up jetzt wieder neu in die Anti-Mobilfunk-Szene injiziert."

NCC on target to dismantle mobile phone base stations
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/ ... 2003386442

"Su said that as at the end of last month, 1,472 base stations had been dismantled and removed -- 98.13 percent of the target. He said a further 28 base stations would easily be removed in the remaining two months of the year."

1,500 cellphone base stations to be removed
http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/2007 ... lphone.htm

NCC seeks to calm concerns over electromagnetic radiation
http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/2007 ... -seeks.htm

"In particular, the removal of base stations from residential areas have ignited debate between environmentalists who believe in the inherent hazards of electromagnetic radiation and telecommunications corporations who insist that testing has proven the level of radiation to be safe."

Row erupts over mobile phone base stations
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/ ... 2003437723

"On average, telecom carriers are forced to disassemble 700 or 800 base stations each year, and the situation is generally worse in election years, when it is not uncommon that more than 1,000 base stations would be torn down owing to pressure from the candidates, she said."

Fehler gefunden - es geht um Sendemasten im Swasiland

von Handymania » 8. August 2012 19:55

Der Autor von "Times of Swailand" schreibt in der Vergangenheitsform bzgl. der Mastenentfernung in Taiwan:

Überschrift: "Taiwan had mobile phone masts removed"
oder im Text:
"The action by the Taiwanese government was one of the major changes implemented by world leaders to protect members of the public from extreme negative health effects caused by electromagnetic fields and cell masts, among other wirelessly connected communication services."

Sehr wahrscheinlich sollte Taiwan als Beispiel bzw. Einleitung dienen (daneben der Europarat etc.), um deutlich zu machen, wie risikobehaftet diese Technologie ist.

Im Artikel folgt danach eine weitere Überschrift und darunter viele Leerzeilen - das ist irritierend, zumal, wer kennt Lobamba?.

Der Hauptgrund für diese Meldung am 01. August in der "Times of Swasiland" mit irreführender Haupt-Überschrift ist das Veto des Lobamba Lomdzala "(Regional)-Wahlkreises" gegen die Errichtung eines Mobilfunk-Sendemastes in Lobamba Lomdzala (Swasiland) innerh. einer wohl stark frequentierten kommerziellen Zone (Lobamba against installation of mast).
Ein Mitglied des dortigen Parlamentes sagt, dass das Veto wegen der extremen krankmachenden Effekte (ausgehend von dieser Technologie) erfolgte und das mehr Zeit benötigt wird für weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet, um die Masten (jetzt Plural!) dann woanders aufzustellen, wenn nötig.

Entweder war das IZgMF ebenso irritiert oder hat bewusst etwas weggelassen, denn die Erwähnung, dass das Aufstellen eines Mastes oder von Masten im Swasiland wegen gesundheitlicher Bedenken umstritten ist/sind fehlte dort gänzlich.

Geographische Info:
Lobamba ist ein Ort im Westen Swasilands. Es ist die traditionelle Hauptstadt und Sitz des Parlaments. Lobamba liegt 16 Kilometer südlich der Hauptstadt Mbabane, im Verwaltungsbereich von Manzini. Die Einwohnerzahl beträgt rund 5.800 Personen. In Lobamba befinden sich der Staatspalast, der königliche Kraal, das nationale Parlament, das National Museum sowie ein Museum, das dem langjährigen König Sobhuza II. gewidmet ist. Am Ort befindet sich auch die Residenz der Königinmutter, die als stellvertretendes Staatsoberhaupt gilt; seit 1983 ist dies Ntombi.

Lobamba Lomdzala is an inkhundla of Swaziland, located in the Manzini District. Its population as of the 2007 census was 18,797.

von Handymania » 8. August 2012 18:38

Taiwan had mobile phone masts removed

von Handymania » 7. August 2012 09:31

1. August 012
"Taiwanese legislators ordered the removal of 1 500 mobile phone masts stating that homes and schools must not be exposed to the risk of radiation.
The action by the Taiwanese government was one of the major changes implemented by world leaders to protect members of the public from extreme negative health effects caused by electromagnetic fields and cell masts, among other wirelessly connected communication services."

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