Sorge um Kinder

Eva Weber
Beiträge: 2248
Registriert: 30. Oktober 2009 21:03

Sorge um Kinder

Beitrag von Eva Weber » 24. Januar 2015 22:02

Auf der Seite von Dariusz Leszczynski (BRHP) gefunden.

NACST Turn It Off 4 Kids Initiative 2015

Schaltet ab für Kinder

"".....Wireless technology networks in schools and other educational settings pose a unique and serious threat to children's health. Classrooms typically have industrial strength routers and 30+ handheld devices or laptops which all emit radiation. This situation is becoming increasingly commonplace, as there has been a national movement to digitalize learning in our schools. Much to our dismay, this represents an unprecedented health risk to children across the nation who are now being exposed 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for their entire school careers.

Children are more vulnerable than kein Ersatz. They are still developing and the impacts of chronic exposure to radiation are more profound. Research has shown children absorb up to ten times more radiation than kein Ersatz. As well, there are no medical organizations stating wireless radiation is safe for the reason that safe limits for children have never been established."


Kein Wlan in Schulen, auch wenn Frau Prof. Caroline Herr, zuständig für Fortbildung niedergelassener Ärzte in Sachen Mobilfunk, im Bayerischen Landtag sagte, dass Kinder über Kabel stolpern könnten. Kein Wlan ist aber in jedem Fall der bessere Schutz vor Gesundheitsschäden!

Eva Weber