- Beiträge: 19
- Registriert: 3. Oktober 2009 21:21
- Wohnort: Nord-Ost Schweiz
von marcel » 19. Februar 2013 17:39
Saudi Arabien: Studie: Intensive Handy-Nutzung verursacht gesundheitliche Probleme
[...] Studie zur gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung der Handy-Nutzung - Dr. Nahid Al-Zuhair
51,1 Prozent der Teilnehmer bemerkten Veränderungen ihres Hörvermögen sowie Schmerzen im Ohr bei langen Handy-Telefonaten.
55,6 Prozent beschrieben Kopfschmerzen nach langen Telefonaten;
45,8 Prozent klagten über Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten und 19,4 Prozent litten unter Schwindelgefühl und Übelkeit. [...]
Original URL
http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/co ... ms-kingdom:
Constant mobile use causing health problems in Kingdom
Mobile phones affect the hearing of phone users, a Saudi study has revealed.
The study, conducted by Dr. Nahid Al-Zuhair, director of Health Intelligence office in the Eastern Province, showed that about 59 percent of those surveyed said they are aware they are exposed to radiation when they use their mobiles, but 9.7 percent said they do not care.
It showed that 51.1 percent of those surveyed noticed changes in their hearing when using mobile phones, as well as an itch or pain in their ear during long-term use.
Of those surveyed, 55.6 percent of the respondents said they felt headaches when using mobile phones for long periods, and 45.8 percent said they started having memory problems.
In addition, 19.4 percent said they experience dizziness and nausea.
Of those surveyed, 80.3 percent of the respondents said they could not do without their mobile phones, even for 24 hours.
And 75 percent said they do not consider landlines an alternative.
About 83 percent of the respondents leave their mobiles at their beside when they sleep.